One-Size Resume Does Not Fit All

One-Size Resume Does Not Fit All
August 23, 2021 Comments Off on One-Size Resume Does Not Fit All Career Advice,Tips Lindsey Smith

Your resume is your first impression on prospective employers, and we all know how hard it is to change a first impression. It has to be picture perfect every time.

The biggest mistake made by many job applicants is making their resume so perfect that they wouldn’t change a word – and then not changing a word.

Your career is a living, evolving entity and your resume should reflect that like a mirror. In other words, you should tailor your resume for each position you apply to.

One Size Does Not Fit All

If you try to please everyone, you’ll impress no one. By sending everyone a one-size-fits-all resume, you will definitely appeal to the lowest common denominator – the wastepaper basket. By editing and tweaking your resume for each application, you can showcase more of what they want to see, and less of the irrelevant stuff.

For example, if you are seeking a position in a company that specifies great communication skills in the job description, you can replace a standard phrase like “Managed a staff of 10 reps and reported directly to the CEO,” to something like “Served as communications officer and management liaison.”

A Fresh Resume for Every Job

You should highlight duties and accomplishments in your previous positions that directly apply to the job you’re seeking. Any references to specific skills or training that have no bearing on the job should be omitted to bring more relevant skills to the forefront.

If you change your resume slightly for each submission, you’ll hold the attention of employers and your resume will remain in their hands longer.

At Modern Tailor Resumes, we offer an experience like no other. With our complimentary endless revisions, never stop updating your resume and continue to strive for progress in your field.

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